Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 306
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Page content
302 department for ladies Progress towards Personal Perfection by the promotion of social welfare Hegel Green The Christian answer Obedience to Divine Law regarded as External to man or Progress in Righteousness and Holiness by life of Obedience to God and Service of our fellow men Moral Pathology -Vice and Sin Punishment 10 Probation Purification Progress If sufficient number of Students who have attended this Course should ask for an Advanced Course it would be arranged Text-Books Muirhead Elements of Ethics Murray 3s or Mackenzie Ci Manual of Ethics מ Clive 6s 6d Reference Sidgwick History of Ethicsננ Macmillan 3s 6d LOGIC Miss Β MEYER Newnham College Camb Moral Sc Tripos Friday 11 Michaelmas Term Nature of Logic Formal Logic Material Logic Laws of thought Laws of causation Reference Mill Introduction Jevons Chaps and xiv pp 239-40 Terms and their kinds Connotation and Deno- tation Reference Mill Bk ii Jevons iii Keynes Part Subjects prescribed for Matriculation London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate Honours London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate Sc London 1900 fl Subjects prescribed for Final Pass London 1900 ך Subjects prescribed for Final Pass Sc London 1900 Subjects prescribe for Honours London 190q
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