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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-288

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284 faculty of medicine -Laboratories of State Medicine Director-Professor William Smith Sc Demonstrator-E Russell Sc Assistant Demonstrator-Ε Cartwright Oxon Lond Practical Instruction will be given in the Methods of Analysis of Air Water Foods &c Detection of Poisons Fees -One Month £4 4s Three Months £10 105 The Laboratories are also available for original investiga- tions and practical work in Public Health and Toxicology The Laboratories are open daily from 10 to and on Saturdays to -Practical Sanitary Work The regulations for obtaining the Diploma in Public Health of the various Universities and other Medical Licensing Bodies require that all candidates registered under the Medical Act subsequent to the 1st of January 1890 shall produce evidence that they have for period of six months practically studied the duties of outdoor sanitary work under Medical Officer of Health of large urban district Arrangements have been made by which this regulation can be complied with under the direction of Professor William Smith Sc Medical Officer of Health for Woolwich Weekly excursions to various places of sanitary interest are also made The following are examples of the places visited by this class during the Term Systems of Warming and Ventilation The Houses of Parliament the Hugh Myddleton Board Schools II Methods of Sewage Disposal ι 11 ו Ley ton Hanson's Process Crossness Treatment of Metropolitan sewage by the London County Council Kingston Process Acton International Iron Process Croydon Sewage Farm Jet
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