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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-283

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FACULTY OF MEDICINE 279 Practical Anatomy is under the superintendence of Professor Hughes The Anatomical Department comprises large lecture theatre class rooms and dissecting rooms and prosectors' room for the preparation of anatomical specimens and for private investigation and research The department is open daily throughout the year except during the Summer vacation and is attended by many occasional Students in addition to the Matriculated Medical Students of the College Ν euro-Pathology under the direction of Professor Ferrier -This Laboratory has been opened for the purposes of teaching the anatomy physiology and pathology of the nervous system and for original research There are both Summer and Winter courses of instruction which consist of lectures and demonstrations In the daily work in the Laboratory the investigation of diseases of the nervous system and the preparation of large and microscopic sections take an important place In this way much valuable material for teaching purposes is obtained as the sections are exhibited in the lantern microscope to illustrate special points in the lectures Practical Toxicology Hygiene and State Medicine under the direction of Professor Smith -The Labora- tory in connection with these subjects is utilised for instruc- tion to Medical Students and others in the detection of poisons and in the methods employed for the analysis of Air Water Foods &c The Hygienic Laboratory is open to Students for Practical Instruction in the Methods of Analysis Chemical Micro- scopical &c of Water Air Foods and the detection of adulterations in Foods and Drugs &c Bacteriology and Comparative Pathology -The Laboratory was founded by Professor Crookshank in 1886 to meet the great demand which existed for lectures and practical in- struction in Bacteriology and for facilities to prosecute researches into the causes and nature of the communicable diseases of liian and the lower animals and the best means
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