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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-282

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י 278 FACULTY OF medicine י with short recess at Christmas and at Eact er Students wishing to finish any special work may remain till Physics-Museum of Physical Apparatus used in illustra tion of the Lectures and also available for Laboratory practice This includes the valuable Wheatstone collection The Wheatstone Laboratory under the superintendence of Professor Adams for advanced work in all branches of Physics The Laboratory is open daily from 12 to except on Saturdays when it closes at 111 111 "'ii Botany and Vegetable Biology under the direction of Professor Bottomley This is open from 10 till for Students to work either at independent courses of study or in the Practical Classes Senior and Junior In addition to rich store of material in spirit for histological work and dissection with the simple microscope the following collections are available for the use of Students complete British Herbarium named throughout and arranged in accord with the most recent edition of the London Catalogue of British Plants υ series of selected types illustrating the more impor- tant Natural Orders of the Vegetable Kingdom mounted on large sheets with printed texts and coloured diagrams large series of objects both dry and in spirit selected to illustrate points of morphological interest in Flowering and Cryptogamic Plants In this are included collections of Fruits characteristic Algae Fungi Mosses Liverworts Ferns &c Also series illustrating seed-dispersal germination and the like Μ '1 ן jp יי י ן ו ו ί it it Physiology and Animal Biology -The Laboratory is under the direction of Professor Halliburton and is divided into class rooms for practical Biological Physiological and Histo- logical Classes Research room devoted to Chemical Physio- logical work Research room for experimental work and the Professor's private workroom
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