Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 275
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FACULTY OF MEDICINE 271 The House Surgeon shall visit the surgical wards daily between 10 and 12 15 o'clock in the morning accompany the Surgeon during his visit and prescribe under his direction shall see such patients in the evening as he may think neces- sary and shall be responsible for the proper management and dressing of all the surgical cases He shall superintend the necessary preparations for and be present at all opera- tions He shall give early notice of all important operations to the medical officers by filling up and transmitting the printed forms prepared for that purpose and shall send regular notice to the Curator of the College Museum and to the Ana3sthetists In the event of the death of patient in the Surgical Wards he shall send immediate notice to the Surgeon under whose care tbe patient was admitted and to the Pathological Registrar House-Surgeon shall on no account be absent from the Hospital during his Accident day except by special permission of his Surgeon Midwifery -Students who have previously attended Course of Lectures are provided with large number of cases of Mid- wifcry The patients are attended at their own houses in the neighbourhood of the Hospital under the superintendence of the Physician-Accoucheur and Assistant-Physician Ac- coucheur Every Student desiring to attend cases shall live within reasonable distance of the Hospital so that his services may be readily available Post-mortem Clerks -There shall be two Pathological Assistants who shall act under the direction of the Patho- logical Registrar
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