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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-274

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270 FACULTY OF MEDICINE The Assistant House-Accoucheur shall act under the direction of the Physician-Accoucheur's Assistant his duties shall be as follows He shall have the immediate superintendence of all Mid- wifery cases in the Maternity Department He shall apportion the cases so that efficient arrangements are made for due attendance upon them and accompany the Students to their first cases he shall require daily report from the Students in attendance He shall visit every case of labour on the second third and fifth days of the lying-in period he shall hold himself responsible for the proper attendance of all recently confined women whose progress is not thoroughly satisfactory and shall report such cases to the Physician-Accoucheur's Assis- stant He shall keep an accurate account of the cases in the books supplied for the purpose He shall report to the Dean of the Medical Faculty by the lst of January and the lst of July respectively the attendance of Students on Midwifery cases In addition to his duties in the Maternity Department he shall keep register of all cases in the Gynaeological and Children's wards he tshall also make and preserve an Abstract of all such cases in the books provided for the purpose House Surgeons -No Student is eligible to enter on the duties of this office at period later than nine years from the date of his Matriculation or year of standing in the Medical aFaculty or ten years if he have passed the Primary the Intermediate Examination of London or the corresponding Examination of any other British University He shall at the date at which his duties commence be qualified to practise and shall have served to the satisfaction of the Surgeons the offices of Out and In-Patient Dresser for the full period of six months each He shall be appointed after written and viva voce or practical examination
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