Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 271
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FACULTY OF MEDICINE 267 12 15 o'clock in the morning accompany the Physician during his visit and prescribe under his direction he shall see such patients in the evening as he may think necessary In the event of the death of any patient in his charge he shall send immediate notice to the Physician under whose care the patient was admitted and to the Pathological Registrar He shall also post notice of the same on the board in the Hall He shall attend Casualty cases between and 30 except when in the wards with one of his Physicians in which case the Senior House Physician if disengaged or else the Assistant House Physician must attend the casualties He shall also take his share of work in the rota of extra Casualty duty He shall not be absent from the Hospital between 10 to 30 except between the hours of 12 15 to He shall never be absent at the same time as the Senior House Physician While directly responsible to his Physicians for his ward work he will in other respects in the Hospital be subordinate in authority to the Senior House Physician He shall be appointed for four months and shall succeed to the post of Senior House Physician provided that he pro- duces evidence of having performed his duties satisfactorily Senior House Physician -He shall take charge of the beds of the Physicians to whom he may be attached He shall superintend the work of their Clerks and be responsible to them for accurate reports and records and for the Clinical Pathology of the cases under their care He shall visit his wards daily between the hours of 10 and 12 15 o'clock in the morning accompany the Physician during his visit and prescribe under his direction he shall see such patients in the evening as he may think necessary In the event of the death of any patient in his charge he shall send immediate notice to the Physician under whose care the patient was admitted and to the Pathological Registrar He shall also post notice of the same on the board in the Hall
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