Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 252
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248 FACULTY OF MEDICINE Infective Diseases of Man and Animals -Suppuration and Septic Diseases Tropical Abscess Strangles Septicaemia Haemorrhagica-Chicken Cholera-Septicaemia of mice-Swine erysipelas-Anthrax-Symptomatic anthrax -Malignantoedema-Tuberculosis-Leprosy-Actinomycosis -Madura Foot Glanders Syphilis Yaws Verruga peruana-Beriberi-Typhoid fever-Swine fever-Cholera -Dysentery-Summer Diarrhoea-Malaria-Relapsing fever -Malta fever-Dengue -Surra-Nagana-Pneumonia-In- fluenza-Bubonic Plague-Scarlet fever-Cow-pox-Horse- pox-Sheep-pox-Foot and mouth disease-Pleuro-pneu- monia Cattle-plague- Diphtheria Small-pox Yellow fever-Tetanus-Rabies-Oriental Sore Biskra or Delhi boil -Human and Bovine Ringworm-Dhobie itch BACTERIOLOGICAL LABORATORY Professor Crookshank Director This Laboratory is open for original research under the direction of the Professor from the first week in October and closes for the long vacation at the end of July Hours of attendance daily from 10 to except on Satur- day when the Laboratory closes at Fees -For one Month for original research guineas For longer period by arrangement For further particulars see under Faculty of Science The Secretary of State for the Colonies has in- timated that in selecting candidates for the Colonial Medical Services preference will be given other things being equal to qualified men who have received such bacteriological or similar special training as King's College provides
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