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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-246

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242 faculty of medicine Demonstrations in Surgical Pathology Cheatle These Demonstrations are given every Saturday at 11 upon museum fresh and microscopic specimens and Lantern slides are shown Classes are also taken round the Royal College of Surgeons' Museum Minor Surgery and Tutorial Classes Τ Beale An elementary Course of Bandaging and Minor Surgery for Out-patient Dressers Saturday Tutorial Classes on Surgery are held for six weeks prior to the Final Examination of the Conjoint Board OPERATIVE SURGERY Carless Junior Course of Operative Surgery is arranged for those Students who are going up for the Examination in Surgery of the Conjoint Board It is given at the com- mencement of the Summer Session and all Students are expected to take it out in their fourth summer The Class is divided into sections of about ten Students to each Subject and will be continued daily till the work is completed The Fee for this Course is £2 2s inclusive of the cost of the subject Classes are also arranged for the higher surgical examina- tions and for the Army and Navy If two Students take one subject Fee of £5 5s each will be charged including therein the cost of the subject If three or more Students combine to use one subject the Fee will be £4 45 each In addition to this practical work descriptive demonstra- tions are given from time to time at the Hospital as may best suit the teacher dealing with the operations which are undertaken on various regions of the body Notice of these special classes will be posted from time to time in both College and Hospital
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