Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 242
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238 faculty of medicine In addition to the general Lectures special Courses of tutorial character suitable for the examinations of the London University and other examining bodies are given as follows Advanced Classes Inorganic Chemistry On Tuesdays 12-1 and Thursdays from 3-4 Organic Chemistry On Tuesday and Friday from to Elementary Inorganic and Organic On Monday and Thursday from 30 till 30 Chemical Physics This Class is held weekly and follows the syllabus of the Conjoint Examining Board in England Practical Chemistry Winter Session Class in Practical Chemistry is held during the Winter Session on Wednesdays at 11 Students in the Medical Faculty requiring further instruc- tion in Practical Chemistry may attend by special arrangement the Classes of the Science Faculty held on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 Summer Session Classes are held during the Summer Session on Mondays Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10 15 The instruction given is so arranged that each Student performs the operations which are in most frequent use in the Laboratory for the purposes of analysis or research including the processes for detecting the chief mineral and vegetable poisons and the preparation of selected sub- stances These Courses are adapted to the requirements of the Uni- verities of the Conjoint Examining Boards the Society of Apothecaries and of the Medical Boards of the Army and Navy as well as to all who with objects professional or otherwise wish to obtain an acquaintance with the processes of Manipulation
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