Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 240
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236 faculty of medicine General Course of Practical Histology In this Course the minute anatomy of the tissues and organs and the methods of preparing them for microscopical examin- ation are studied practically in the Laboratory the work being arranged to accompany the lectures The Class meets on Tuesdays and Fridays from 11-1 and from 30 to 30 on Thursdays during the Summer Session Facilities will also be given to the Students to attend the Laboratory on certain afternoons in the week should they desire to work privately but each one must provide himself with set of the minor accessory instruments All the other apparatus microscope and material are supplied in the Laboratory and fee of £1 Is must be paid for the same Regular weekly Tutorial Classes and Demonstrations will be held during the Winter and Summer Sessions by the Demonstrators Advanced Coarse of Practical Physiology This Course is intended for those Students who are prepar- ing for the Intermediate Examination in Medicine Honours and for the Examination for the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons or who wish to qualify themselves for research work in Physiology The Class meets twice week during the Winter Session namely from 30-4 30 on Mondays and Thursdays The course is repeated on Tuesdays and Fridays at the same hours during June July and October for the benefit of those going up for the Primary Examination in November Physiological Laboratory Persons desirous of conducting original investigations in Physiology or Histology may be admitted to work in the Laboratory under certain regulations which may be obtained from the Professor Elementary Biology Lecturer Τ Beale Wednesday 2-4 Saturday 10-12 During the Winter and Summer Sessions special Classes in Elementary Biology for the first conjoint examination of the
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