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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-236

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232 FACULTY OF MEDICINE The Students of each Class are examined at regular intervals throughout the Session there are also Scholarship and Prize Examinations at the close of each Session Students who come to King's College from other Medical Schools and Matriculate will rank in the College and Hospital according to their year of study in accordance with the regulations of the Examining Bodies Provided they take the whole of the remainder of their education at the College pay the full amount of fees required for per- petual admission to the Hospital attend Lectures at the College on all the subjects in which they will be examined otherwise conform to the regulations laid down in each case respectively-they will be eligible to compete for all Hospital appointments Scholarships and Prizes Every Student must at the beginning of each Session make application to the Dean for written order for admission to such College Lectures as he requires and to Hospital Practice This order will be exchanged in the Secretary's office for card of admission which must afterwards be signed by the Dean Leave of absence from Lectures or Hospital Practice can be obtained from the Dean of the Medical Faculty alone to whom in case of sickness or other unavoidable cause of non-attetodance written notice is to be immediately sent The attendance of each Student at Lectures is regularly marked At the close of each division of the Winter Ses- sion and at the close of the Summer Session the Dean prepares Report of the attendance general character and conduct of each Student which is forwarded to his Parent or Guardian after being submitted to and signed by the Prin- cipal copy of these reports is kept for future consideration in the allotment of all Hospital Appointments Students are expected to pass their Examination before the Examining Boards in Anatomy and Physiology before the close of their second year If any student fails to pass this Examination before the close of his fifth Winter Session he
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