Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 230
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226 FACULTY OF Μ FDTCINE These are given to the Student highest in the Examination provided that such Student exhibits sufficient merit to entitle him to receive prize and is not the holder of Scholarship in the same subject Non-Matriculated Students may compete for Class Prizes COURSE OF STUDY The minimum period of Medical study required for any qualification is five years from the date of registration The Medical Sessions commence in May and October By the regulations of the Conjoint Examining Board of the Royal- Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons Candidate will be admitted to Examination in Chemistry and Physics Practical Pharmacy and Biology before he has entered at Medical School The following course of work is recommended to those entering in October and who purpose spending the entire five years in Medical School and taking either the License of the Royal College of Physicians and membership of the Royal College of Surgeons by Examinations at the Examining Board for England or the License of the Apothecaries' Society First Winter Session -Chemistry and Physics Practical Pharmacy Biology Elementary Anatomy First Examination of the Examining Board in England Part II Practical Pharmacy Part III Elementary Biology First Summer Session -Practical Chemistry Practical Anatomy Histology First Examination of the Examining Board in England Part Chemistry and Physics Second Winter Session -Anatomy Lectures and Practical Physiology Lectures and Practical Second Examination of the Examining Board in England Anatomy and Physiology Second Summer Session -Elementary Practical Medicine and Surgery Pharmacology and Therapeutics Lectures and
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