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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-224

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220 EVENING CLASSES The following Syllabus gives the more important subjects to be dealt with 1- and 3-phase Alternate Currents The distribution of power by aid of Alternate Currents for Electrical Traction and other purposes -The Alternate Current Machine as Generator and Synchronous Motor Differential Efficiency Tests of Alternators-The Alternate Current Transformer -The Induction Motor -The Eotary Converter -The Measurement of Power and Work with Alternate Currents Watt and Watt-hour Meters -Alternate Current Arc Lamps -Alternate Current Resonance Students wishing to attend this Course must apply before- hand to the Professor The number of Students who can be admitted is limited to twenty Architecture by Mr Banister Fletcher Β Α on Wednesdays from to commencing on Wednesday October 11 The Course will consist of Twenty Lectures on Architectural History and will treat as far as time permits of the following styles of Architecture-Egyptian Assyrian Greek Roman Saracenic Byzantine early Christian Romanesque Saxon English German Italian French Spanish and Belgian Gothic English German Spanish Italian and French Renaissance The lecture will be given from to Architectural Sketching Class from to general regulations The Evening Courses are designed for students who have by attendance at other classes already reached an advanced stage in their technical work Intending students should communicate by letter with tne various professors stating the work and Classes they propose to take up and giving particulars of their previous training Fees For each of the above Courses £1 Is but reduction or remission of fees will be made to limited number of students on the recommendation of the Technical Education Board
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