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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-198

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Page content

194 faculty of science Cyaniding and Chlorination The Analysis of Solid and Gaseous Fuels Furnace Gases &c Calorimetry and Pyrometry Methods of determining the practical value of any given Fuel Λ β 14 י י f"1 י Λ The wet Assay of Iron Copper Silver Nickel &c The complete Analysis of Mineral Substances Slags &c The Study of the Materials used for Pottery Glass Enamels &c Extraction and Manufacturing Processes The Properties of Metals -The Properties of Metals are examined by means of testing machinery &c and the composition of the metals carefully ascertained Note The Properties of Metals are modified according to the nature and the quantity of the so-called impurities they contain The quality of metal also varies with the process by which it has been extracted from its ore and the kind of mechanical treatment to which it has been subsequently subjected The Preparation of Alloys and the study of their properties Electro-metallurgy The Applications of the Spectroscope and the Micro- scope to Metallurgical Research Fees These cover materials and the use of apparatus except Glass Porcelain and Crucibles which may be ob tained from the Attendant at cost price Day Work Continuous Intermittent Work Work £ Sm £ Laboratory for One Month 55 β Two Months 11 11 Three 15 15 12 12
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