Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 191
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ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE ANO API LIEi SCIEfrCfeS 187 FREEHAND AND GEOMETRICAL DRAWING Frederick Edward Hulme Professor Walter Herbert Webb Lecturer Wednesday 30-4 Thursday 30-3 irst year Students of this Division attend this Class he Course comprehends- The Practice of Freehand Drawing as training of the hand and eye Tlane Geometry including the Construction of Poly- gons Creation of Similar Areas &c and the practical application of Geometry to the setting out of Mouldings Arches Teeth of Wheels &c The Construction of Scales Lettering Drawings and general training in accuracy and careful manipulation Solid Geometry Orthographic and Isometrical Pro jection Development of Surfaces Projection of Shadows Penetration of Solids &c Non-matriculated Students either work at any portion of the Geometrical Course or make such modifications as may be necessary for the requirements for Army or other Examina- tions and at their option take up the subjects of general Art work detailed under the Faculty of Arts All Geometrical Students are expected to provide themselves with Rawle's "Practical Plane Geometry and Hulme's "Mathematical Instruments and how to use them together with drawing board and all other needful appliances Fee £4 4s per Term or £10 10s per Annum CHEMISTRY Thomson LL Professor Herbert Jackson Demonstrator Kirkaldy Assistant Demonstrator Matriculated Students of the first year in this Division attend Course of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry from 11 to 12 on Wednesday and Friday throughout the Academical Year
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