Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 158
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154 faculty of science together are specially recognised by the University of Edinburgh as qualifying for the Sc degree in the Depart- ment of Public Health The fee for the combined courses for the Diploma of Public Health is Twenty Guineas and for the Bacteriological Course alone Eight Guineas The Text-book in use in the Laboratory for these courses is Professor Crookshank's Text-booh of Bacteriology and Infective Diseases Λ Certificate is granted for this Course This Course held twice daily from 10 to Dr Newman and to Dr Nash under the direction of the Professor Syllabus of Work Microscope -Lenses-Spherical aberration-Chromatic aberration-Dry water and oil immersion objectives-The Stand-Ross model-Jackson model Illumination-Daylight and Artificial light-Abbo con- denser-Microscopical accessories-Micro-photography Microscopical Methods -Examination of fresh speci- mens-Cover-glass preparations-Methods of Gram Ehrlich Ziehl-Neelsen Loffler &c -Flagella Staining Preparation of morbid speoimens-Hardening-Embedding -Celloidin-Microtomes and section cutting Cultivation Methods Principles of sterilization Bacteriological apparatus--Preparation of nutrient gelatine and nutrient agar-agar glycerine agar-agar blood serum potato and other media-Eisner medium Test-tube cultivations-Plate cultivations-Drop cultiva- tion-Examination of air soil water sewage effluents and milk Biology of Bacteria -Chemical composition-Respira- tion and nutrition Form Classification Circumstances affecting growth products of growth-Chromogenic zymo- genie septic and pathogenic bacteria- Nitrification
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