Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 155
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151 JBepartment of atomparattbe atfjoloas an ISacteriologB Edgar Crookshank Professor and Director of the Laboratory George Newman Camb Demonstrator James Nash II Camb Assistant Demon- strator The Department is provided with Laboratories equipped with Bacteriological Histological Photographic and Chemi- cal Apparatus and with Pathological Material and with all the fittings instruments and accommodation necessary for the investigation of the chemistry and micro-pathology of the communicable diseases of man and the lower animals and for the study of Bacteriology in all its applications The Laboratories are open to all and special arrange- ments are made for the convenience of medical men in practice medical officers of health veterinary surgeons in practice and others whose duties prevent attendance upon any of the usual courses of instruction Special courses of instruction are given to those interested in the Agricultural Brewing and other industries which require knowledge of practical Bacteriology Colonial Medical Officers The Secretary of State for the Colonies has in- timated to the Council of King's College that in selecting candidates for the Colonial Medical Services preference will be given other things being equal to qualified medical men who have received such bacteriological or similar special training as King's College provides Original investigation forms very important part of the work conducted in this Department
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