Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 148
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144 faculty of science Third Term-Geology of the London Basin and Weald These Lectures will be illustrated with maps and specimens Class VI Mineralogy and Crystallography Tuesday 3-4 Principles of Mineralogy and Practical Identification of Minerals First Term-Crystal forms of Minerals Second Term-Physical properties and associa- tion of Minerals Third Term-Optical properties of Minerals These Lectures are illustrated with specimens VII Laboratory Petrology and Mineralogy Tues 2-1 Ore Deposits and Igneous Rocks First Term-Minerals which yield Metals Second Term-Minerals which form Crystalline Rocks Third Term-Mineralogy of Economic Sub- stances and Building Materials VIII Economic and Engineering Geology Monday 12-1 First Term-Geology of Embanking and Drain- ing Springs and Water Supply Second Term-Geology of Roads Canals and Railroads Third Term-Building Stones IX Field Class in Geology Sat Afternoons in Easter Term Students of these Classes can with the approval of the Professor take practical work in Geology and Physical Geo- graphy in the country on Saturday afternoons with the London Geological Field Class if application is made to the Hon Sec Bentley Esq 43 Gloucester Road South Hornsey at Easter An Examination in Practical Work is held at the end of the course in Field Work Section Drawing and Identification of Common Minerals Ores Rocks and Fossils No Student can obtain First Class Certificate in Geology or Mineralogy without qualifying in practical work
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