Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 141
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natural science 137 CHEMISTRY Thomson LL Professor Jackson Demonstrator Kirkaldy Assistant Demonstrator Lecture Courses The general Courses of Lectures on Chemistry deal with the nature and scope of the subject and the principles involved in relating to one another the experimental facts shown as illustrations of the properties of the elements and their chief compounds The non-metallic elements are first treated of as demonstrating most clearly the characters of the inter- actions between the different kinds of matter and as affording the best opportunity of classifying the main groups of compounds met with when dealing with the inorganic branch of the subject The metallic elements and their compounds are then discussed and this part of the Course is completed with resumS in which the connected relations of the properties of the elements are described The latter portion of the Course embraces in the same manner study of the principles and properties of the compounds which are examples of the main groups of organic substances For fuller details consult the separate Syllabuses provided for each Class Class Examinations are held from time to time during the Session The following are the Classes held -Mon Tues Thur 11-12 For Students intending to devote themselves to Medicine Pharmacy or Scientific or Professional Chemistry or to take degree in Medicine or Science in London or other Universities Course of about Sixty or Seventy Lectures by the Professor commencing in October and terminating in March
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