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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-127

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FACULTY OF SCIENCE 123 The Certificates of Engineering Architecture Metallurgy and Chemical Technology may under certain rules be obtained in two years The Preliminary Certificate in Engineering Architecture and Applied Sciences qualifying for admission as Student of the Institution of Civil Engineers may be taken in the first year Matriculated Studetits are admitted Probationers of the Royal Institute of British Architects Students in this Division do practical work in the Physicalj Chemical Geological and Mineralogical Laboratories in the Workshops and Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Laboratories and are also taught Photography Museums containing Mechanical and Physical Apparatus Chemical and Industrial products Architectural Building Construction and Sanitary Appliances important and valu able collections of Models Photographs and Drawings and of Mineralogical and Geological specimens &c illustrating the subjects taught are open to the Students ul 111 44 Τ Τί'ΤίΤ Ϊ rA Iff ft' 'ill Γ Τ ןך ו Machine for testing materials given by the Clothworkers' Company is employed for instructing the Students in the strength of materials used in Engineering and Architectural Structures ן ן fllil li 14'J ך '111 Admission of Students All new Students are examined on their joining this Division in Euclid Books IL Arithmetic and Elementary Algebra including Simple Equations with the view of ascertaining that they are sufficiently advanced to enable them to take advantage of the College classes The Principal and Professors have the power of sending back for time any who may be considered disqualified for admission Two Exhibitions of £15 each and two of £10 each are offered in October of each year to the Students who pass the best Examination on entering the Division of Engineering provided they show sufficient merit
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