Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 119
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FACULTY of ARTS 115 Second Term The Hill ranges of England Third Term The River Thames and its tributaries Every student in this Faculty is required to write exercises from week to week and to answer questions on every Lecture He will also in the Second Year draw contour sections from the New Ordnance Survey Map of England and compare portions of that map with the map of the Geological Survey Fees -Each Class £2 2s per Term or £b 5s per annum or if both Classes taken £3 3s per Term or £7 17s 6d per annum Evening Classes An Evening Class will be held on Tuesdays 7-8 upon the Geographical Distribution of the Physical and Intellectual Characteristics of the British Peoples provided not fewer than ten Students have paid their Fees before the second Monday in the Term when the lectures begin Fees -£1 Is per Term or £1 lis 6d for the Winter Session For Syllabus of Classes in Geology and Geography with Mineralogy see under Faculty of Science UNIVERSITY OF LONDON MATRICULATION EXAMINATION Evening Class Rev Knott Lecturer Tuesdays and Fridays 7-9 For this Class the year is divided into two periods begin- ning on the second Tuesday in September and February and ending respectively at the date of the January and June Examination of the University of London During these courses the Students will be personally pre- pared for the Matriculation in all subjects in which they may need assistance Fee -For one period £3 3s or for two consecutive periods payable on entrance £5 5s Further information and advice as to the selection of text-books for the special subjects of the January and June Examinations of 1899 may be obtained from the Lecturer η
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