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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1898-1899-78

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74 FACULTY OF ARTS DEPARTMENT FOR TRAINING TEACHERS FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS The course of technical training for Students who intend to become Masters in Secondary Schools will include Prac- tical Work in Teaching under supervision in King's College School and other suitable Practising Schools with regular courses of Criticism Lessons and ii Courses of Lectures in Theory and Practice of Teaching by Adamson Logic Psychology and Ethics by Prof Caldecott Laws of Health occasional lectures In addition to the above the following Professors will give instruction in the methods of teaching their respective sub- jects Prof Hudson Prof Ware Prof Hales Prof Laugh- ton Prof Buchheim Prof Spiers and Prof Seeley Candidates for admission to this Course must have passed the Intermediate Examination in Arts of the London Univer- sity or some other examination which the Board of the Faculty may deem equivalent or else have kept three Terms in the College and have passed satisfactory examinations in Mathe211atics1 and in one Ancient and one Modern Language Students who so desire may without payment of further fee pursue the ordinary course of study in the Faculty of Arts which prepares for the London University degree Students also have the privilege of admission at half-fees to all other classes held in the College The Course will occupy two academical years and College testamur will be granted to those who successfully com- plete it Matriculated students are allowed to obtain the Associate- ship at the conclusion of their two years7 course provided they have regularly attended the lectures in Divinity and produce the necessary certificates of proficiency required for Associates in Arts
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