Calendar: 1898-1899 Page 734
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CU FACULTY OP ARTS Describe how you would prove tliat solid when נוונ mersed in liquid lo es in apparent weight by an amount equal to the weight of its own volume of 111 liquid Λ body weighs 40 gnus in vacuo 2f Lrrms in and 28 grins in certain li 11id Find 1110 specific gravities of the solid and of the liquid Assuming the specific gravity of 8ea-water to be le03 find at what depth surface of one square foot would sustain pressure of just one ton cylindrical diving-bell is sunk in fresh water and when the middle of the bell is 82 7f feet below the surface it is found that the water has risen half way in the hell Find the atmospheric pressure in pounds per square inch taking cubic foot of water as weighing 1000 oz Describe the double-barrelied air-pump and explain what advantage it possesses over pump with single barrel If each barrel of the former kind has capacity of 200 cubic centimetres and the capacity of the receiver is 1800 cb cm find what proportion of the original pressure will exist in the receiver after forward and backward movements of the handle Define the term 4coefficient of linear expansion copper and platinum rod when placed in melting ice each measures 50 em what will be their lengths when raised to 10 the coefficient of expansion of copper being 0Ό00017 and of platinum 0000085 Describe method of finding the specific heat of solid by the method of mixtures What weight of metal of specific heat th should he used at 100 in order to raise 250 grins of water from 14 to 19 Describe Wollaston β Cryophorue and explain its action 10 e8crihe χ rime ן its in support of the slat mm ז that gooil radiators are rood absorbers How you account for the fact that the earth's Mirface cools much more rapidly on sum nights than on others
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