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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1898-1899-697

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FACULTY OF THEOLOGY lxv Explain the peculiar preference which Scripture teaches us to be due to' moral as compared with positive duties What presumption does Butler allow to lie against Miracles Can supposed revelation be proved fal&e from internal characters How does Butler deal with 'particular precepts in Scripture given to particular persons1 which order what appears to us immoral How have such cases been dealt with in our time III -JSook of Common graver &ccaetonai Mcrs Illustrate the word Catechism from the Greek Testa- ment and from the literature of the Ancient Church What efforts were made before the Reformation to instruct members of the Church of Kngland in the elements of religion Give the history of our present uShort Cate- chism comparing it with any other authoritative catechisms known to yon Notice any attempts to set forth longer form 'Μ Ι י Γ'Μ '" '"t Collect the Scriptural instances of "laying on of hands used as sign of benediction of the gift of the Holy Spirit What other ceremony was formerly asso- ciated with it in the rite of confirmation Specify and dis- tinguish the Sevenfold Gifts To what aspects of life have they been thought to correspond Enumerate and remark upon the impediments which were held to be bar to marriage What were their objects Describe the ancient rite of betrothal and state what was necessary to make it regular What is the rule of the Eastern δ of the Roman Church in regard to the remarriage of divorced persons State and justify the position of the English Church in regard to private confession and absolution rcserva- tion of the Sacrament prayer for the departed illustrat- ing from the Occasional Offices What was the attitude of the Primitive Church with respect to the disposal of the dead Point out the changes
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