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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1898-1899-68

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64 FACULTY OP THEOLOGY SCHOLARSHIPS EXHIBITIONS PRIZES Students in this Faculty are eligible to compete for the following Scholarships Exhibitions and Prizes Conditions subjects of Examination and all other details will be found under the different Scholarships headings No Scholarship will be awarded if in the opinion of the Examiners there be no candidate of sufficient merit SambrooJce Exhibition Medical Missionary Worsley Scholarship Medical Missionary Studentshipy given by the Trench Greek Testament Prize McCaul Hebrew and Old Testament Prize Jelf Prize for Dogmatic Theology Wordsworth Latin Prize Leitner Prize Essay Plumptre Prize for English Language and Literature Barry Prize for Divinity Carter Prize for English Verse le Maistre Prize for English Essay HOODS Under the special sauction dated March 26 1862 of the late Archbishop Sumner permission to wear distinctive Hood was given to Associates of this Faculty in Holy Orders Under the further sanction of the Archbishop of Canterbury dated March 1885 this Hood must be conform able to the general pattern approved for Theological Colleges by the Upper House of Convocation of the Province of Canterbury on February 15 1882 It is made of thick black poplin edged on the outside with quarter of an inch and on the inside with one inch of mauve silk The Silk Hood formerly in use may still be worn by those who purchased it before February 15 1882 but may not be worn by any others ן
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