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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1898-1899-65

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FACULTY OF THEOLOGY 61 exegesis of the books together with questions on Intro- auction Passages from the English Version will be given to be rendered into the original Greek The Creeds and the XXXIX Articles history text and subject-matter Questions will also be set on Apologetics The Prayer-Book history and contents Ecclesiastical history The History of the Christian Church to the Council of Constantinople inclusive The History of the English Church from the Earliest Times to the Accession of Queen Anne For 1897 and 898 Augustine In Joh Tract XXIV XXVII Jn λ passage will also be set for translation into English from some ecclesiastical Latin author not previously specified voluntary paper on Elementary Hebrew with pas- sages for translation from Kings i-viii Candidates are required to satisfy the Examiners in each of the first seven subjects EXAMINATIONS AND FINAL TESTAMUR Before receiving the Final Testamur each student is required to satisfy the Principal and the Professors in the general subjects specified in the arrangements of the Bishops for Ordination Examinations as well as in the other Theological Instruction he has received during his course Examinations are held at the end of each Term and students are specially examined at the close of their third and sixth Terms One of the special subjects of the Examination at the The Examinations always begin on the Tuesday in the second week before or after Easter which is nearest to April 3rd and on the Tuesday nearest to October 8th fee of twenty five shillings is charged to every Candidate who enters the Examination Gentlemen who wish to offer themselves as Candidates are requested to send their names and permanent addresses with certificates of moral character and particulars of their degrees or written forms of nomination from Bishops in cases where such nominations are required to the Rev Dr King Gayton Rectory Blisworth before March lst for the Easter Examination and before September lst for the October Examination The papers given in previous Examinations with the regulations bc may be had of Deighton Bell and Co Cambridge and London and Parker and Co Oxford price one shilling each set or by post on receipt of thirteen stamps
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