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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1898-1899-574

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570 NAMES OF ASSOCIATES Elected Name Faculty or Dept 1883 Skelton Robert App Sc 1893 Skerman Sidney Medical 1887 Sladen Henry Danvers App Sc 1895 Sloan James Cuthbert Engineering 1897 Sly Edwin Medical 18S1 Small Frank William Theological 1878 Smalley Herbert Medical 1896 Smart Thomas Archibald Theological 1876 Smedley Edward Gerrard Ev Classes 1884 Smelt Henry James Casterton Theological 1891 Smith Albert George Theological 1882 Smith Andrew Halliday Gen Lit 1877 Smith Arthur William Theological 1886 Smith Bertram Robert App Sc 1885 Smith Charles Albert Theological 1868 Smith Charles Penswick Theological 1872 Smith Charles William Ev Classes 1888 Smith Claude -----------J Gen Lit 1887 Smith Ernest Henry Medical 1885 Smith Harold Gen Lit 1876 Smith Henry Edward Ev Classes 1884 Smith Herbert William Lionel Theological 1887 Smith Joseph Frank Theological 1867 Smith Samuel Hignett Medical 1890 Smith Sydney Thomas Theological 18S0 Smith Thomas Frederick Hughes Medical 1870 Smith Wharton Buchanan Theological 1897 Smyth Francis Alexander McCaul Theological 1870 Smyth Stewart Theological 1898 Smyth Joseph Hazlegrave Theological 1877 Snell Edward Arthur Medical 1872 riepp Maitland Edward Theological 1885 Soden James Newton Theological 1892 Somers Annesley Thomas Theological 1898 Somerville Philip Paget Theological 1877 Sopper William Ev Classes 1894 Sorby William Herbert Ev Classes 1867 Soulby Henry Dawber Theological 1870 Soulsby William Jameson Ev Classes 1879 Southerden William Theological 1894 Soutter David Wright Luther Medical 1886 Soutter Mansfield Collier Medical 1892 Soutter Mansfield Knox Medical 1884 Sowerby Thomas Herbert Gen Lit 1891 Sparkcs Claude Stephen Medical 1888 Sparks James Noel App Sc 1877 Sparrow George Gordon Medical 1891 Spence Thomas Edward Joseph Theological 1880 Spencer Francis Henry Medical 1895 Sprawson Frederick Charles Medical 1866 Spread William App Sc 1870 Spry Theodore de Llandulph Theological
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