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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1898-1899-566

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562 NAMES OF ASSOCIATES Elected Name Faculty or Dept 1867 Lintott Joseph Cooper Theological 1869 Little William Medical 1879 Littlewood Joseph Johnson Theological 1872 Livermore Charles Theological 1874 Livesay Nathanael Dunbar Ev Classes 1885 Lloyd Charles Vereker App Sc 1897 Lloyd Ernest Alfred Theological 1885 Lock Herbert Theological 1875 Lcckyer Edward Theological 1884 Loly Gustavus Ev Classes 1898 London John Edward Medical 1888 Long Francis Maddison App Sc 1892 Longhurst Bell Wilmott Medical 1889 Longmore Thomas William Medical 1887 Lott Walter William App Sc 1867 Love Alfred Fv Classes 1885 Lovekin Charles Theological 1886 Lovelace George Theological 1878 Low Albert Theological 1871 Lowe John an dor App Sc 1873 Lowther James William Gen Lit 1891 Lubbock Rowland John Theological 1879 Luck Harry Courtenay Ev Classes 1867 Lumley William Faith full Theological 1873 Lush William John Henry Medical 1892 Lydall Francis Engineering 1881 Lydgate Robert John Ev Classes 1870 Lyell Robert Wishart Medical 1S95 Lyle Herbert Willoughby Medical 1884 Lynam Robert Garner Medical 1891 Lyons Algernon Wilson Medical 1885 MacDowall Walter Ev Classes 1869 Mace Thomas James Ev Classes 1878 MacGowan Alexander Thorbum Medical 1885 Mackay ames Bunyan Lillie Ev Classes 1884 Mackeson Henry Robert Theological 1889 Macnab Allan James Medical 1897 Macmorran Thomas Gordon Theological 1881 Macpherson William Charters Gen Lit 1880 Mais Charles Leslie App Sc 1894 Makovski Albert Waterlow Engineering 1867 Malins Joseph Edwards Theological 1897 Mallet Percy George Theological 1888 Manning Philip Percy Medical 1874 Mansell-MacCulloch William Medical 1890 Mansfield Joseph Charles Theological 1879 Manuel James Ev Classes 1872 Manuel Robert Ev Classes 1887 Mare Samuel Ε Classes 1868 Marley John William App Sc 1876 Marona Charles Antonio Ev Classes 1869 Marpole Edward Theological
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