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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1898-1899-565

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NAMES OF ASSOCIATES 561 Elected Name Faculty or Dept 1890 Kemp-Welch John Stenhouse App Sc 1881 Keogh Andrew Maesmyth Theological 1866 Keppel Ellice Theological 1874 Kerby Isaac Ev Classes 1874 Kerby James Thomas Ev Classes 1876 Kewley William Theological 1887 King Arthur George Theological 1885 King Charles Frederick William Ev Classes 1871 King Charles Henry Ev Classes 1885 Kingdon Frank Hawker Theological 1886 Kingdon King Kiku App Sc 1893 Kingdon William Henry Theological 1875 Kirkaldy William Ev Classes 1879 Kitson Edward Winnel Theological 1885 Klugh Leonard Theological 1879 Knight Alired Thomas Gen Lit 1892 Knight Charles Theological 1897 Knowles James Benson Theological 1897 Koch Edward Hermann Theological 1871 Krcenig Joshua Charles Theological 1867 Kruckenberg Frederick Thomas Theological 1869 Laing David Ev Classes 1894 Lait Alfred Ernest Theological 1882 Lake Arthur Frederick Ε Classes 1895 Lambert Peter Theological 1893 Lambert Wesley Ev Classes 1875 Lane-Fox St George App Sc 1895 Langley Hastings Leonard Theological 1890 Larzen Joseph Theological 1880 Lavies Edward Bertram Theological 1887 Lavies Harry Brandreth Medical 1888 Lavies Robert Sherwood Theological 1870 Lay George William Ev Classes 1895 Leachman Edgecombe Walter Theological 1877 Leaf Arthur Huntingdon App Sc 1891 Leale George Nelson Theological 1885 Le Couteur John Aaron Theological 1884 Lee Edgar Theological 1891 Lee Herbert Gen Lit 1895 Lee Joseph Godbould Ev Classes 1874 Leeper William Clarke Theological 1887 Leitner Sigismund Payton App Sc 1882 Le Moine Henry George Theological 1875 Lempriore Charles Monteiro D'Almeida Medical 1891 Lewis Abraham Theological 1886 Lewie Percy George Medical 1898 Libgott Lawrence John Arts 1882 Light John Herbert Theological 1880 Lightfoot George Shirlaw Ε Classes 1895 Lightfoot John Parker Medical 1885 Lineham Andrew Wood Ev Classes 1883 Lines William Edward Ε Class Ν
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