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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1898-1899-563

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NAMES OF ASSOCIATES 559 Elected Name Faculty or Dept 1882 Hodges Edward Henry Theological 1885 Hodges James Medical 1885 Hodgson Gerald George Medical 1888 Hodgson Leonard Grundy App Sc 1890 Hogg Walter Eustace Gen Lit 1892 Hogg Walter Eustace Peter Theological 1882 Holdom Joseph Theological 1883 Holdsworth James Joseph Ev Classes 1886 Hole Charles Donald Gen Lit 1890 Hole Charles Donald Theological 1875 Hole Spencer Frederick Gen Lit 1876 Hollings Edmund Raven Theological 1895 Hollings Ernest John Ambrose Theological 1875 Hollings George Seymour Theological 1890 Hollingsworth Ernest Sydney Theological 1880 Hope James Henry Francis Ev Classes 1883 Hope James Henry Francis Theological 1888 Horan William Theological 1885 Home Ernest Worthy App Sc 1866 Horsnail George Simon Ev Classes 1896 Hort Edward Arthur Theological 1874 Hougliton Ernest Ev Classes 1898 Houlder Alec Guy Arts 1886 Houlder Frank Henry Gen Lit 1867 Houldey William Ephraim Theological 1882 Houndle Edward Laftan Garvock Theological 1889 Hounslow Edward Theological 1876 Howard Frederick Ev Classes 1885 Howell Arthur James William Theological 18S2 Howell Walter Jack Ev Classes 1898 Howell James Theological 1866 Howells Thomas Medical 1888 Hubbard Walter Lovett Medical 1894 Huggins Henry Seth Arts 1886 Hughes Edgar Alfred Medical 1873 Huitt Thomas Holder Ev Classes 1870 Humberstone Francis William Ev Classes 1868 Hunt William Alfred Medical 1872 Hunter John App Sc 1895 Huppertz George Vail Theological 1885 Hurst Albert Edward Theological 1877 Hurst Arthur Gen Lit 1882 Hurst William Ev Classes 1884 Hurst William Theological 1874 Hutchings Arthur Carey Medical 1894 Hutchings Egmont Gifford Ev Classes 1878 Hyde Clarendon Golding Ev Classes 1877 Hyde Henry Barry Theological 1896 Imbusch Bertie Gottlob Ev Classes 1881 Ingram Arthur George Theological 1878 Ingrams William Smith Ev Classes 1878 Inman Henry App Sc
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