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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1898-1899-549

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545 PAST AND PRESENT ASSOCIATES OF KING'S COLLEGE LONDON ELECTED SINCE 1866 For the names of those elected previously to 1866 see the Calendars for 1865-6 and 1896-7 Elected Name Faculty or Dept 1894 Aaron Chowry Muthu David Jacob Medical 1892 Abbott John Hallen Engineering 1896 Abella Juan Engineering 1886 Acklancl Charles Kingsley Medical 1887 Adams Walter Poynter App Sc 1890 Adams William Francis Theological 1881 Adainson John William Εν Classes 1893 Adlard Howard Tindale Engineering 1896 Adlard Stanley Ev Classes 1888 Adolphus Horace Octavius Theological 1887 Akers Frederick William Ev Classes 1892 Alabaster Sir Chaloner Sch Ori 1894 Aldrick Frederick Ernest Ev Classes 1882 Aldridge George Augustus Theological 1877 Allan Albert Wriothesley Philip Theological 1582 Allbrook Henry Oliver Theological 1880 Allen Francis Adeney Theological 1886 Allinson Henry Calthrop Medical 1870 Alpe Protheroe Theological 1882 Amos Charles Matthias Theological 1869 Amsden George Medical 1898 Amsell Samuel Arts 1875 Anderson Edward Charles Medical 1876 Anderson Edward William App Sc 1870 Anderson Eustace Ev Classes 1887 Anderson Maurice Robert Theological 1885 Anderson Robert Bruce App Sc 1583 Andrewes Frederick Thomas Theological 1871 Andrewes William John Theological 18S3 Annesley Henry Arthur Theological 1868 Anningson Bushel Medical 1869 Argles Frank Medical 1888 Argles Marsham Theological 1873 Argles Robert Medical 1882 Armstrong William David Henry Theological 1886 Arnett Charles William Gen Lit 1872 Arnold Frederick Sweet Gen Lit 1871 Arrowsmith Sidney Feetham Theological 1889 Atkins Alfred Cuthbert Theological 1886 Atkinson Claude William App Sc 1884 Atkinson Llewelyn Birchall App Sc Μ Μ
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