Calendar: 1898-1899 Page 538
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53i NAMES OF PROFKSSOK ETC OPERATIVE SURGERY Teacher 1889 William Watson Cheyne 1896 Albert Carlkss 1891 Alfred Boyce Barrow CLINICAL SURGERY Professors 1870 Sir William Fergusson 1877 Sir Joseph Lister Baronet Baronet 1877 John Wood 1892 William Rose PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Professors 1830 1Francis Hawkins 1876 Lionel Smith Beale 1836 2Thomas Watson 1840 3George Budd Μ 1893 Alfred Baynard Duffin 1862 George Johnson 1896 Isaac Burney Yeo CLINICAL MEDICINE Professor 1876 Sir George Johnson 1896 JohnCurnow Ϊ897 Alfred Baynard Duffin OBSTETRIC MEDICINE AND THE DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN Professors 1831 Robert Ferguson 1872 WiHiam Smoult Playfair 1841 Arthur Farre 1898 Thomas Crawford Hayes 1863 Sir William Overend Priestley Μ Α PRACTICAL OBSTETRICS Professor 1896 Thomas Crawford Hayes Lecturers 1889 Thomas Crawford Hayes 1898 John Phillips FORENSIC MEDICINE Professors 1831 Thomas Watson 1872 David Ferrier 1836 Fergus 1889 William Robert Smith 1838 William Augustus Guy Sc COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Professors 1836 Thomas Rymer Jones 1879 Francis Jeffrey Bell 1874 4Alfred Henry Garrod Late Fellow of St John's College Oxford f2 Late Fellow of St John'sCollege Cambridge Late Fellow of CaiusCollege Cambridge Late Fellow of St John's College Cambridge
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