Calendar: 1898-1899 Page 180
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176 ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCES Second lerm Construction of simple models of valves and valve-gears &a such as will be afterwards practically available for working out problems in slide-setting &c Machine Shop First Term Chipping filing scraping scribing block &c Second Term Turning planing machine shaping machine slotting machine milling machine &c Second-year Students continue and complete the above Course and will thereafter be engaged in making and pre- paring apparatus and test specimens for their future use in the Laboratory Materials Tools &c -The ordinary expenses of materials used by Matriculated Students in both Laboratory and Workshops will be covered by fee of £1 5s Year or 10s Qd per Term paid in advance Extra materials beyond the ordinary Course or damage done to machines or apparatus by the carelessness of Students will be charged for separately Tools may be obtained through the College at the following prices Carpenter's Tools per set including box £3 35 Od Fitter's £1 6d Non-Matriculated and Advanced Students -The Workshops are open from 10 to daily except Saturdays to Students desiring to enter without Matriculation to pursue special lines of work on payment of the following fees Two Days Four Days Five Days Week Week Week One month £2 2s £3 13s £4 4s Three Months £4 4s £7 7s £8 8s Six Months £7 7s £12 12s £14 14s Nine Months £10 10s £18 18s £21 Tools may be purchased as above or may be hired at the following rates per Term Two Days Wee Five Days Week Carpenter's Tools 5s 10s Fitter's Tools 28 6Λ 5s
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