Calendar: 1898-1899 Page 179
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faculty of science 175 Evening Classes The Engineering Laboratory is open on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from to for experimental work and research Fees One Night per Week Two Nights per Week One Term £1 5s £2 2s Three Terms £212s 6d £5 5s Materials charged for as used ENGINEERING WORKSHOPS The Workshops comprise Carpenters Shop Fitting Turn- ing and Machine Tool Shops and Smith9s Shop All machines are driven by power and ample facilities are provided for complete instruction in all hand and machine tools Course of Training has been arranged for Students desiring to acquire knowledge of the use of tools and this Course is recommended to Engineering Students as pre- paration for the Laboratory and also for their Factory training The Workshop Course for First-year Students of the Engineering Division is so arranged as to give preliminary knowledge of the use of tools methods of adjustment limits of accuracy obtainable in practice &c such as will fit them for the investigations in which they will be engaged in the Engineering Laboratory during the third year The First-year Students are arranged in two divisions in the Workshops Division will during the first two Terms be instructed in the Carpenter's shop Division Β will spend the first two Terms at the Vice- bench and in the Machine shop Students who have completed the prescribed Course in one shop will be transferred to the other The Courses will be Carpenter's Shop First Term Planing use of chisel &c joints mortice scarf-dovetail &c
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