Calendar: 1898-1899 Page 177
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IV Engineering Drawing Senior Class Monday 15-5 Thursday 15-5 Third-year Students of the Mechanical Engineering Division attend Monday and Thursday Students of the Electrical Engineering Division attend on Mondays only and of the Civil Engineering Division on Thursdays only Designs in illustration of Lectures on Machine designing diagrams of twisting-moment stress in beams expansion and efficiency curves combination of indicator diagrams graphical solutions of advanced problems Fees £3 3s per Term or £8 8s per annum Fees Inclusive of Lectures £4 14s 6d per Term or £12 12s per annum Evening Classes For Students preparing for examinations or requiring general knowledge of Mechanical Engineering Thurs 6-7 the time will be arranged to suit the majority of the Class Course of about Twenty Lectures commencing in October and ending in February upon the Strength of Materials Fee £1 lis Gd for the Course THE ENGINEERING LABORATORY Tues 10-5 for all three Divisions of the Third Year Wed 2-5 Mech Eng Division In the Laboratory Students have the means of acquiring thorough knowledge of the nature and properties of the materials employed by engineers and their behaviour under stress They investigate the scientific data which form the basis of theoretical calculations and learn the methods by which such experimental results are determined and the precautions necessary to obtain accuracy Students are thus enabled to gauge the limits within which any data may be relied upon and are familiarized with the means by which they may obtain fresh determinations where such are required Advanced Students are en-
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