Calendar: 1898-1899 Page 174
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170 engineering architecture and applied sciences IV Quantities Friday 30-7 30 In these Classes the Students will be instructed how to prepare complete set of measurements square and abstract same and complete the Bills of Quantities for building in accordance with the London practice The methods of Measurement and Billing adopted by each trade are dealt with with examples of Measurements from Buildings Adjustments of Accounts and Formation of Prices Text Booh Prof Banister Fletcher's "Quantities 6th edition Batsford High Ilolborn Fees 15s per Term or £2 2s per annum Constructional Drawing Classes Monday 8-9 Friday 30-9 In these Classes the Students are especially taught the pre- paration of Working and Detailed Drawings of the various subjects dealt with by Professor Banister Fletcher in his Lectures on Building Construction and the details of all the trades The Class is divided into Elementary and Advanced In the Advanced Class question on Advanced Constructional Draining is given weekly to be applied and worked out by the student under superintendence Students have the free use of the Drawing Room on Fridays for Drawing Practice from 30 till Fees 10s 6d per Term or £1 Is per annum Inclusive Fee for Evening Classes To those Students who join the Evening Building Con- struction Lectures Constructional Drawing Class and Quan- tity Class special reduced fee of guineas only will be charged To those Students who join the Architectural Studio and Architectural History Lectures special reduced fee of guineas only will be charged Conditions as to nominations for reduced fees by the Carpenters' Company may be obtained from the Professor or from the Clerk of the Carpenters' Company
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