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faculty of science 165 Easter Term -The principles of Hygiene in relation to Architecture Sites and Foundations Materials and Con- struction of Roofs Walls and Floors Drainage Water Supply Ventilation Lighting and Heating The Sanitary Acts in regard to Building Ventilation of different types of building Lighting and Heating -This course is adapted for the Sanitary Inspector's Examination II The History of Architecture י Third Year -Lectures Mon 4-5 The subject is divided so as to fall in with the require- ments of the Examinations Michaelmas Term Intermediate -The orders of Greek and Roman Architecture their origin develop- ments and application The several varieties of Classic Ornament Lent Term Intermediate -English Architecture from the Conquest to 1500 and the successive develop- ment of the style including the characteristic moulding and ornament of each period Easter Term Final -The general history of Architecture The leading characteristics history and development of the principal styles as Greek Roman Romanesque Byzantine Gothic Architecture in Germany France and Italy Italian French German Spanish and English Renaissance Text Book History of Architecture by Professor Banister Fletcher and Fletcher Batsford Fees £2 12s Gd per Term or £7 7s per annum III The Architectural Studio The Architectural Studio is open every day from 10 to except Saturday which is devoted to out-door measuring and sketching and study in the museums The three years' course of suggested study is set out in the Time Table the Student need not necessarily follow this but is encouraged in any particular direction he may desire Fees £4 As per Term or £10 10s per annum
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