Calendar: 1898-1899 Page 162
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Page content
15ft ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE AN Π ΑΓΠ ΙΕΡ SClRNCKf Trigonometry Units ami Measures -f an Ineom mensurable Quantities Circular and other Measures of Angles Trigonometrical Ratios and their Relations their changes as the Angle increases Complements and Supplements Snlu tion of Right-angled Triangles Transformations and Iden titles Easy Equations ieneral Expressions fu all Angles with the same Trigonometrical Katio Formula for the Sum and IhtVerence of two Angles and formula deducible from thorn Multiple ami Submultiph Angles Inverse Notation Harder Transformations and Equations Logarithms and the use of Tables Relations between the Sides and Angles of Triangle Solution of Triangles Heights and stances Areas of Triangles and Plane Rectilineal Figures with use of Logarithms Arc of Circle Circles related to Triangle Limiting Values sin θ Θ tan θ Construction of Tables Exponential and Logarithmic Series Calculation of Logarithms Μ οι ν re's Theorem the 71th roots of Exponential Values of sin and cos Expansions Factors of x2" 2xn 0081 Ί Hyper- bolic Functions Summation of Series Text Book Lock's Trigonometry Macmillan Spherical Trigonometry Great and Small Circles Polar triangles Analogies with Euclid Fundamental Relations Napier's Analogies Gauss's or Delamhre'8 Theorems Goo- metrical proofs for Right-angled Triangles Oblique-angled Triangles Ambiguous Cases Inscribed and Circumscrihcd Circles Spherical Excess Areas Legend re's Theorem Roy's Rule Geometrical Theorems connected with Area including LexelTs Theorem Text Books Todhunter's Spherical Trigonometry Mae millan Casey's Longmans or M'Clelland and Preston's Macmillan Mensuration Measures of Length unter's Chain Right- angled Triangle Similar Figures Chords of Circle Chord and Height of an Arc Lengths of Sides of some Regular Polygons inscribed in Circle Circumference of Circle Arc and Angle at the Centre Measures of Area Rectangles Parallelogram Triangle Quadrilateral Trapezoid any Rectilineal Figure Circle
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