Calendar: 1898-1899 Page 136
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Page content
132 NATURAL SCIENCE the following subjects Mechanics Pneumatics Heat Light Electricity and Magnetism and to construct the more simple apparatus required for those experiments Students who are desirous of acquiring further knowledge of any special branches have an opportunity ofdoing sounder the superintendence of the Professor and Demonstrator Class Monday 2-4 and Thursday 2-4 Fee £4 4s per Term or £10 10s per Annum Class II Advanced and London University Sc Examination Mon Thur 12-4 Sat 10-1 Fee £6 6s per Term or £15 15s per Annum The Subjects will be arranged as follows The Use of the Barometer the Thermometer the Hygrometer Determination of Specific Gravities Measure- ment of volumes of Gases under varying pressures Measure- ment of Expansion of Solids Liquids and Gase Measurement of Specific and Latent Heats Measurement of conducting power of bodies for Heat Photometry Measurement 01 the Angles of Crystals and of Indices of Refraction Measurement of the Focal Lengths of Mirrors and Lenses the use of the Microscope and Spectroscope Spectrum Analysis Interference Diffraction and Polariza- tion of Light the Saccharimeter Measurement of the Strength of Sugar Solutions the Measurement of Wave- lengths Radiation Absorption and Reflection of Radiant Heat Magnetism and the making of Magnets Dia- magnetism and Terrestrial Magnetism Frictional Electricity Manipulation of Electrical Machines and Apparatus con- nected with them Electrometers and Electroscopes Different methods of developing currents of Electricity Voltaic and Dynamic Electricity the use of Galvanometers and Electro-dynamometers Measurement of the Strength of Currents Measurement of the Electro-motive Force and Resistance of Batteries Measuring the Resistance and Capacity of Wires and Cables Electro-Magnetism Current Induction Magneto-Electric Induction the Microphone and Telephone the principles of Dynamo Electric
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