Calendar: 1898-1899 Page 129
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Page content
Fees for Non-Matriculated Students Non-matriculated Students pay Registration Fee according to the following scale Course £ Students entering for one Term only and taking less than four classes Students entering for one Term only and paying the reduced fee for four or more classes Students entering for courses extending beyond one Term and taking less than four classes Students paying the reduced fees for year 10 Per Ann 10 15 10 15 10 10 21 10 10 Division of Natural Science Per Term £ Mathematics OneCourse Mathematics TwoCourses Natural PhHosophy Experimental Work in the Physical Laboratory- Two days week 10 10 Five days week Chemistry Practical Chemistry Experimentaland Analytical Chemistry- One Month 12 Three Months days 16 014 days Six Months week 111 11 Oja week Nine Months 115 15 0J Mineralogy Geology eacn class Geological or Mineralogical Laboratory each subject Geological Excursions with Laboratory work Easter Term Physical Geography each class Logic and Mental Philosophy 11 Botanical Laboratory- One Month Three Months Six Months Daily attendance 10 10 13 £ Physiology Practical Chemical Physiology Advanced Practical Physiology Histology Practical Histology with Lectures Animal Biology Botany and Vegetable Biology General Library 10 ץ0 נע י Ο ο ο reduction of one-sixth is made in the above Fees to Students taking four or more Classes Composition Fees are arranged for special Courses For Evening Class Fees see Syllabus or Prospectus
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