Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 82
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ךז י iv α ז κ niv nx 11 HKMi Λ Γ KIN COLLEGE LoNDoN Colloquial Arabic Chinese Iturniese Modern Meek Colloquial Persian ip irieee K11 siau Turkisl Armenian Swaheli Haines of Pmftmaor Professor II 11 iIי Anthony 1l11mn4 IJmImt Kennaway Douglas Hichanl Draper Ardagh Genenil Michael Constantinides Sir Frederic ioldsinid Dickins Sc Nicholas Orloff Charles Wells Ph Rev Anton Tim Ph Minas Teheraz Theodore Martin Teed יי Students of the oriental School are eligible to compete for th Onselry Scholarships of IVjO per annum tenable for two 1ז Tho Civil Service C0111111i88ioner8 are authorised by the Secretary of State for India in Council to make the following announcements An allowance amounting to £100 will he given to nil Can- didatee who past their probation at one of the Tniversities or lieges whirl have been approved by tlie Secretary of State viz tip 1ivcrsiti of Oxford Cambridge Dublin ila -M Kdirihiirgh St Andrew's and Aberdeen Victoria University Manchester Cniversity College London and King College London provided such Candidates shall have pass -d the Fin 11 Kxaininati to the satisfaction of the Civil Service OeHMnissiiiiiers and shall have conducted the111sclv well and complied with such rules as may be laid down for the guidance of Se andidntt The whole probation must ordinarily be paest-d at the sime Institution Migration will not be permitted except for special reasons approved by the Secretary of State
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