Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 705
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FACUL Τ OF SCIENCE CXV What is meant by the deviation produced by prism and on what docs it depend 10 Describe tlie general appearance of the solar spectrum point out the special difference between it and that produced by an incandescent solid and describe an experiment which suggests an explanation of this difference 11 What is meant by the potential of an electric charge at given point hollow insulated conductor has its outer surface connected to the plate of an electroscope Describe and explain the effect produced on the gold leaves of thc electroscope when charged sphere is gradually lowered by means of silk thread into the conductor and then made to touch its inner surface 12 Explain the meaning of the term specific inductive capacity The plates of condenser have double the ana and are three times as far apart as those of condenser H9 but the capacities of the two condensers arc the same Compare the specific inductive capacities of thc dielectrics of and 13 Why is it advantageous to couple battery of cells in series when the external resistance is high and in parallel when it is low Shew that if the external resistance is equal to thc resistance of cell the same current strength is produced whether the battery is coupled in series or in parallel 14 Give the laws of induction of currents and describe experiments shewing thc production of currents when coil is rotated in magnetic field Ιδ elinc dip and declination and describe thc measure- Dicnt of one of them -practical Dljneiri SECOND YEAR Find the specific gravity of the given powder by means of the flask Find the value of Young's Modulus for iron Determine the specific heat of the metal provided
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