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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-696

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CVl FACULTY OF SCIENCE 18 The centre of an ellipse is the common vertex of two equal parabolas whose axes are the major and minor axes and which intersect on the ellipse Prove that the line joining their other points of intersection with the ellipse bisects the exterior angle between the axes 19 Prove that any point in the curve 16 32 187 137 can be represented by χ cosh sinh Obtain in its simplest form the equation of the curve 17x2 12 1y 20 50 20 hemisphere right circular cone and paraboloid of revolution have the same base and vertex Prove in any manner that the paraboloid bisects the solid included between the sphere and the cone ntijmctif YEAR Explain arid establish the method of adding together fractions that have different denominators Find the value of ן -1 י -I Find the number of inches in 32 χ 21 χ 10 21 χ 10 χ 23 321 χ 321 111 χ 111 miles Mercury is 13'G times as heavy as water metre is equal to 39'37 inches cubic foot of water weighs 997 ounces Use approximate methods to obtain to significant figures the volume in cubic centimetres of ounce of mercury and Β are two tradesmen sells his goods so that he gains £10 on what cost him £100 while of every £100 that Β realises £10 is clear profit Which makes the greater rate of profit and by how much An article which cost them each the same price ticketed dearer by one of them what did it cost and for what was it sold by each The Simple Interest on given sum for given time at 11 per cent is equal to the sum of the Simple Interests at 10
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