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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-688

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XCV111 FACULTY OF ARTS Translate into French words 80 men- ii 300 horses- iii 2000 enemies- iv Ave have read thc page 200 he was bare-headed for half an hour XIII-$lj $ics The same paper as set for the 1st Year Faculty of Science X1Y -Ci corj anK practice of Ccadjing FIRST YEAR Answer five questions Notes of Lesson on the House of Commons to Standard or on the Thames to Standard Sketch course of lessons on Drawing to Scale Discuss the place with respect to instruction of Interest or of Learning by Heart Distinguish between knowledge י and information and show the bearing of this distinction on the mode in which children should study given subject Λ יי יי What is meant by ζ the training of the senses Whose senses are more highly developed those of the savage or יי those of the civilised man How does the answer to this י ν Α יי י" י question affect the modes of instruction employed in primary school י י Give an account of the educational principles of Pesta- ו iiOJt MUbini SiUiUii MxsoVu lozzi or of Froebel XV -Cijtoni ant Practice of Ccaci tng SECOND YEAR -j- י י ל י י Answer five questions י Notes of lesson on the Rhine to Standard or the Adjective to Standard
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