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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-686

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XCV1 FACULTY OF ARTS they were to cross and in the bottom of which the snow had disappeared beaten track followed the windings of the stream and showed that the spot was frequented The night was dark he heard under his feet the dull rumbling of swift river that flowed in the valley the rattle of the stones loosened from the mountain under his com- panion's tread and falling into the water made him aware of the immense depth of the precipice at the edge of which he had stopped In this moment of anguish which might be the last of his life the recollection of his mother came back to his mind she had lovingly blessed him upon his departure from the frontier this thought revived his courage How old are you ×™ said little Peter to his grandfather's arm-chair do not exactly know but know that am very old answered the arm-chair Have you ever seen the oak-trees behind the house the most beautiful trees in the wood was once an oak was planted hundred years ago My foliage was very thick and gave shade to men during the hottest hours of the day In the spring the birds came and built their nests in my branches In winter the squirrels used to eat my acorns II Translate into English Armand Vite de l'eau du sel du vinaigre Daniel Qa'est-il done arrive Henriette Mon pere manque de se tuer Daniel Est-il possible PerricJwn assis Ma femme ma fille ah je me sens mieux Henriette lui presentant un verve d'eau sucree Tiens bois ga te remettra Perriclwn Merci quelle culbute 07 boit Madame PerricJwn C'est ta faute aussi vouloir monter cheval un pere de famille et avec des eperons encore PerricJwn Les eperons n'y sont pour rien c'est la bete qui est ombrageuse Madame Perrichon Tu 1'auras piquee sans le vouloir elle s'est cabree Henriette Et sans Monsieur Armand qui venait d'arriver mon pere disparaissait dans un precipice
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