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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-679

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FACULTY OF ARTS lxxxix Illustrate from Virgil the use of olim adeo enim and give examples of hendiadys Translate into Latin There were some who believed me Nothing shall prevent me from doing my duty fear that shall not live many days It is more in your interest than in Caesar's will ask him at how much corn is selling It was not allowed any one to be made consul at Rome under forty-three years of age He asked for two or three days for deliberation have letter to write before start The augurs could never look at one another without laughing 10 We have prepared our feast for the tenth of July δ In oratio obliqua Let them cease to wonder why no one concerned himself about the interests of the Plebs It was time deniqae to try in the case of one or two men whether there were some plebeian capable of bearing high rank or whether it were kind of prodigy that there should be some brave and earnest man sprung from the Plebs Men distinguished at home and abroad had ccme forward as candidates they were re- jected and scoffed at by the Patricians Rather let the law be repealed which permitted what would never be realised VI -JHnti emattc$ The papers are the same as those set in the Faculty of Science VII £ncjitd Uttu-atttre Discuss the date of the composition of Sliakespeare's King Richard II Point out any departures from historical accuracy in this Play Describe the character of the King as conceived by Shakespenre and illustrate it by quotations or references ϋ υ Λ
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