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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-673

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faculty Of arts lxxxiii Give short sketch of Xenophon's career and mention the subjects on which he wrote Translate into Greek Value τιμάω most the most veracious αληθής and honest άπλονς men The Persians ΐίέρσψ consist lit "are" of about 120 000 men Behave γίγνομαι so towards thy own parents γονενς as thou wouldst wish βονλομαυ thy own children to behave towards thee It is easy to exhort παραίνέω another but it is not easy oneself to do better than others Give to your friends even when they do not ask IV -Cicero 29e Sfmtatta Translate Cumque plurimas et maximas commoditates amicitia contineat turn ilia nimirum praestat omnibus quod bonam spem praelueet in posterum nec debilitari animos aut cadere patitur Verum eniin amicum qui intuetur tamquam exemplar aliquod intuetur sui Quocirca et absentee adsunt et egentes abundant-et imbecilli valent et quod difficilius dictu est mortui vivunt Explain the accusative after praelucet Quis est qui Fabricii ΜΛ Curii non cum caritate aliqua et benevolentia memoriam usurpet quos numquam viderit Quis autem est qui Tarquinium Superbum qui Sp Cassium Sp Maelium non oderit Cum duobus ducibus de imperio in Italia decertatum est Pyrrho et Hannibale ab altero propter probitatem eius non nimis alienos animos habemus alterum propter crudelitatem semper haec civitas oderit Parse oderit in the last two sentences explain the sub- junctives in the first Give brief notes on any of the historical personages here mentioned Ο praeclaram sapientiam Solem enim mundo lollere videntur qui amicitiain vita tollunt qua nihil
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