Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 662
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lxxii FACULTY OF THEOLOGY briog bitber the fatted calf and kill it and Let us eat and bo merry for this my son was dead and is alive again lie was lost and is found And they began to be merry -eBngltsI Cljuvrf &tslon Give some particulars of the state of English Christ- ianity during the eighth century naming the chief centres of Church life What do you kno of the invasions of the Northmen and their temporary and permanent effects on the country Give some account of the life and work of Alfred and Dunstan Describe carefully the ecclesiastical effects of the Norman Conquest Give some account of the Investitures controversy What do you know of the following the Archbishopric of Lichfield Alphege- Stigand Anselm's theological writings-the relations between York and Canterbury XL-Central Ci u1 rfj i&fetcm Show in detail how the organisation of the Empire influenced the early development of the Church What were the main features of the Church of Alexandria Illustrate the beginnings of Christian philosphy there Contrast the heresies of the second and third centuries What do you know of the African Church down to 250 α ό Give some account of the position of the Roman Bishop down to 300 in regard to his own Church in regard to the Church Catholic Give some account of five of the following not more than two being taken from the same group Dialogue cam Trypho Paedagogus De Unltate Catholicae Ecclesiae Hippolytus-Dionysius of Alexandria-Montanus Neo-Platonism-Lapsi-Controversy on Baptism
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