Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 66
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close of the Third Term in the Morning Classes is the Greek Text of the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles and at the end of the Sixth Term the Greek Text of the Epistle to the Romans the First and Second Epistles to the Corinthians and the Epistle to the Hebrews In the Evening Classes students are specially examined at the close of their first year in the first three Gospels and at the end of their second year before joining the Morning Classes in the Gospel of St John and the Acts Student who is absent from any terminal examination is required to present himself for viva voce examination at the commencement of the ensuing term in the portions of the Greek Testament read in the previous term and in any other subject of the Term's work which the Board may think desirable If this examination be not satisfactory the Student is liable to forfeit the Term Each Student who has merited such distinction by his attainments and by his good character during the period of his studies in King's College and has subscribed to the Thirty-nine Articles receives Certificate from the Principal of attainments and conduct to be exhibited for the satisfac- tion of any Bishop to whom he may apply to be admitted as Candidate for Holy Orders He is also entitled to apply for the Diploma of Theological Associate of King's College The two Archbishops and most of the Bishops jecog- nize as qualified for admission as Candidates for Holy Orders those Students who have received the College Associateship and Certificate THE ASSOCIATESHIP All Students of this Faculty who have received the final Testamur are eligible by the Council as Associates of King's College London fee of Ā£1 Is is charged for the Diploma Associates have the privilege of perpetual free admission to all Lectures forming the regular Matriculated-Students Course in this Faculty the use of the Libraries and Museums under the regulations which apply to Students and the liberty of dining at the High Table in the College Hall
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